Child Safety Month
September is Baby and Child Safety Month and to close it out, I wanted to bring awareness to an important topic that we don’t always think about: laundry safety. All too many times I have seen parents bring their children into my practice in a panic because their child accidentally got liquid laundry detergent into their eyes. I have teamed up with the American Cleaning Institute’s Packets Up! Campaign to share a few safety tips to keep in mind to prevent accidents in the laundry room involving liquid laundry packets(LLPs).
- Proper Storage:
The best place to store your liquid laundry packets is up high and out of sight. By keeping them out of your child’s reach, you’re eliminating the opportunity for them to have access to LLPs, especially when they are kept tightly secured in the original packaging. When LLPs are hidden away and not displayed, your children are less likely to be attracted to them, because we all know how curious our little ones can be. I know you may get tempted to display your liquid laundry packets in pretty glass jars, but in doing so, it can send the wrong message to your children.
- Handling and Care:
Once you have purchased your liquid laundry packets from the store, make sure they are bagged separately from other items and put away in their proper place as soon as you return home. Also, after each use, don’t forget to completely close and seal the containers to minimize the risk of little hands getting to them.
- In case of Exposure:
If for some reason your child has ingested a liquid laundry packet, call the Poison Help Line (1-800-222-1222) immediately. For exposure to the eyes, rinse the eyes out with running water for a minimum of 10 minutes and call your local Eye Care Professional. However, by practicing these safe tips suggested by the Packets Up! Campaign, these accidental exposure can be prevented.
To learn more about laundry room safety visit and order your free cling to display as reminder to always keep your #PacketsUp.