Why UV protection in the car is a must!

Why UV protection in the car is a must!

Why UV protection in the car is a must!

While its common for us Adults to wear sunglasses while driving in the car to help shield the bright light, most importantly there is a huge health benefit.
About 97% of Ultra Violet B waves are blocked by glass, like in our car windows, but ZERO percent of Ultra Violet A waves are blocked by glass.  This means that our eyes and skin are still getting damaging Ultra Violet rays while in the car.  By wearing 100% UVA and UVB protected GlamBaby sunglasses while your child is in the car protects the eyes from getting UV from the side and front of the car. 
The UV exposure builds up over time, for example, most patients who are older will have thicker cataracts and freckles on their left side vs. their right side in the United States, because that is the drivers side.  To help prevent early cataracts, macular degeneration, pre- mature aging of the skin, and eye growths it is recommended to wear UVA/UVB protection from an early age.
Here are a few ways to encourage your little one to wear their GlamBaby sunglasses while traveling in the car:

o   Sunglass time:  Children love to copy their parents.  Make it a point to put on sunglasses together when getting into the car.

o   Repetition and consistency:  At first, your little one may not want to keep their sunglasses on, but when practiced every day, they’ll learn to keep them on over time. For more on this check out the video below.

Education:  Talk to your children about the benefits of wearing their sunglasses and how it can keep their eyes healthy.

xo, Dr. Arian Fartash